We call them quick wins: 30-day sprints to achieve immediate, tangible results. This approach is specifically designed to target straightforward, high-impact changes that can be implemented swiftly to enhance performance and efficiency. . . generating immediate savings.

Rapid Improvement
  1. Short Duration: A series of sprints typically lasting between 5 to 30 days, these events are focused and intense, aiming to produce results quickly.
  2. Cross-Functional Team: A diverse team of individuals from various departments and levels within the organization brings a range of perspectives and expertise to the table.
  3. Clearly Defined Scope: The event has a specific, narrow focus, ensuring that the team’s efforts are concentrated and directed toward achievable goals.
  4. Data-Driven: While the event itself is short, decisions and improvements are based on in-depth data collection to ensure evidence-based decisions and outcomes.
  5. Hands-On Approach: The team is actively involved in the process, often working on the shop floor to observe, analyze, and implement changes in real time.
  6. Immediate Implementation: Solutions and improvements developed during the event are put into action immediately, allowing the team to see the results of their efforts right away.
  7. Follow-Up and Sustainment: After the event, there is a period of monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the changes have the desired effect and are being maintained. Any necessary adjustments are made to optimize the improvements.

Rapid Improvement Events typically target reducing setup times, improving workflow, eliminating obvious waste, or resolving specific quality issues. Benefits include immediate material and hourly waste reduction, increased employee engagement and output, and the development of a problem-solving culture within the organization.

Lean Resources Rapid Improvement Events can generate the savings required to self-fund the remainder of the Lean Resources engagement.

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Lean Resources

(877) 688-LEAN