We believe predictable processes yield predictable results. We have built our approach around the concept of “I Do, We Do, You Do”, blending process-centric and action-oriented mindsets. We focus on delivering measurable business value and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. 

Business Transition

We champion small victories, understanding that change is often a process of gradual evolution rather than a sudden revolution. We encourage clients to actively engage in change, to be part of the journey, rather than passively experiencing it. This active engagement fosters ownership and commitment, leading to more enduring and effective change.

As a result of our approach, your organization will not only become more efficient and leaner but also more agile and capable of making intelligent business decisions. Our methods will help you unlock capital and save money, driving efficiency and productivity throughout your operations.

Beyond these tangible benefits, we also seek to foster an organizational culture equipped with the necessary skills to flourish in the ever-evolving business landscape. We strive to build a culture that is resilient, adaptable, and innovative, ready to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the future.

Our services are comprehensive and tailored to your needs. They include:

    • Assess: We are not casual observers. We immerse ourselves in your organization, beginning with an introductory walk-around that helps us understand the overall status and direction of your business.
      • Leadership Vision and Mission
      • Procurement
      • Supply Chain Management
      • Manufacturing Operations
      • Quality
      • Asset Management
      • Capacity Utilization
      • Visual Management
      • Recognition & Reward
      • Talent Development
    • Analyze: We don’t rely on gut feelings or anecdotal evidence. We utilize data to identify and eliminate waste in the system. This rigorous, analytical approach allows our clients to see real, measurable improvements in all areas.
      • Setup Efficiency
      • Machine Cycle Time
      • Downtime, Capacity
      • Scrap and Rework
      • Inventory Queues
      • Operator Value Add Time
      • Throughput
    • Build A Teaming Culture: We instill an “I Do, We Do, You Do” mentality as the bedrock of culture change. This approach fosters a workspace where teams build strong relationships and influence each other’s thoughts and behaviors. Our model promotes a philosophy of unity and collective success or failure.
    • Train & Implement: We believe in the power of practical, hands-on experience. We combine classroom learning with practical experience on the shop floor to ensure long-term sustainability. During our engagement, our role evolves from consultants to coaches. We empower your leaders with the skills and confidence to facilitate and deliver measurable business improvements.

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Lean Resources

(877) 688-LEAN